Gentlemen and Barons - Herrn und Freyherrn
Coats of arms of Aspaen FH, Haimb FH, Harrach FH, Haymb FH, Heime FH, Kevenhüler FH, Landtau FH, Sprintzenstein FH, Traun FH, Trautmansdorff FH, Ungnad FH, Windischgrätz FH, Zelckhing FH
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Aspaen FHHaymb FHLandtau FHTrautmansdorff FHZelckhing FH
Haimb FHHeime FHSprintzenstein FHUngnad FH
Harrach FHKevenhüler FHTraun FHWindischgrätz FH

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These ancient German Coats of Arms may have belonged to your ancestors. The Heraldic Crests are a colorful addition to your genealogy or family history.