Barons - Freyherrn
Coats of arms of Colonna FH, Düeffenbach FH, Eck FH, Eckh FH, Fuchsen FH, Herberstein FH, Hoyos FH, Hoyus FH, Kaitschach FH, Kaynach FH, Khaynach FH, Raegnitz FH, Rägnitz FH, Stubenberg FH, Stubmberg FH, Trautson FH, Zintzendorff FH
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Colonna FHEckh FHHoyos FHKaynach FHRägnitz FHTrautson FH
Düeffenbach FHFuchsen FHHoyus FHKhaynach FHStubenberg FHZintzendorff FH
Eck FHHerberstein FHKaitschach FHRaegnitz FHStubmberg FH

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