Gentlemen and Barons - Herren und Freyherrn
Coats of arms of Auersperg FH, Awersperg FH, Buecheim FH, Ennenckel FH, Gilleis FH, Grienthal FH, Kresser FH, Kueffsteiner FH, Ruepp FH, Schönkirchen FH, Starhemberg FH, Strahenberg FH, Unverzagt FH, Wecken FH
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Auersperg FHEnnenckel FHKresser FHSchönkirchen FHUnverzagt FH
Awersperg FHGilleis FHKueffsteiner FHStarhemberg FHWecken FH
Buecheim FHGrienthal FHRuepp FHStrahenberg FH

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These ancient German Coats of Arms may have belonged to your ancestors. The Heraldic Crests are a colorful addition to your genealogy or family history.