Barons and Gentlemen - Freyherrn und Herrn
Coats of arms of Franckenstein FH, Gennep FH, Heldrungen FH, Helfenstein FH, Kaldern FH, Kastelwarth FH, Piermont FH, Runckel FH, Saltz FH, Schëringen FH, Schwartzberg FH, Stoffeln FH
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Franckenstein FHHeldrungen FHKaldern FHPiermont FHSaltz FHSchwartzberg FH
Gennep FHHelfenstein FHKastelwarth FHRunckel FHSchëringen FHStoffeln FH

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These ancient German Coats of Arms may have belonged to your ancestors. The Heraldic Crests are a colorful addition to your genealogy or family history.